Friday 30 September 2011


I personally don't like all. Yeah sure you can get to hear what all the celebrities are up to, but really why should I care? Because I don't, I would rather worry about whats going on in my own life. Sure it can provide you with information on some of your favourite media but in reality you'll just hear about it from another source anyways. I really don't find it useful at all. compared to blogging twitter seems to be more about spreading information and media where as blogging is more about the discussion and opinions on these things


I found blogger to be really easy to use and you can really customize it however you would like it to be. However I did find the servers to be quite slow especially as it took 10 mins to upload a picture from my computer. Overall I do not find blogger very interesting but that's just because I am really not interested in blogging whatsoever.

these are the three blogs i decided to look at. Overall i did not find them very useful. Anything i found on the blogs I could have easily looked up on my own and probably have found a more credible and experienced source. I would say that the only real advantage to blogging is that its free and you might find information earlier than in a newspaper or magazine. Even then there are many other websites that are also free that can give you the same information just as early which aren't blogs and probably come from a more credible source as ANYONE can just make a blog and it is not analyzed or looked over by professionals. As for the social aspect of blogs I really don't see any point to it.